How Often Should I Mow My Lawn For Optimum Growth?

Warm days; bird songs, bees and flowers; the hum of lawnmowers – yes it’s that time of year again and everyone is out in the garden.  And with the warmer weather, the grass is flourishing too – thick and fast it grows at last…!!

The burning question is, how often should I mow my lawn?  Is it possible to be too enthusiastic about maintaining that perfectly green carpet?  Could I damage my grass by cutting it too often?
There’s nothing like a neatly cut, thick and healthy lawn to make your home look beautiful.

And lawns are a bit like haircuts – personal preference plays a huge part!  Maybe you like yours short.  Maybe you like it a little longer.  Thank goodness there’s no right or wrong about how long the grass should be!  But there are a few things to keep in mind…

Grass Height

Grass is a living plant and you need to treat it with respect.  Roaring out with the mower blades set low and hacking it off too close to the ground, could have devastating consequences.  As a rule of thumb, it’s wise to follow the ‘one-third rule’, i.e. don’t cut off more than 1/3 of the length of the blade of grass.  Cutting off more than this could unnecessarily stress your grass.  And if 1/3 doesn’t bring it back to your ideal length, don’t leave it so long between haircuts, and bring the length down that way.  Remember, longer grass provides a certain amount of shade for the ground, which will assist in moisture retention, whereas a very short-cut lawn may tend to have a weak root system that doesn’t absorb water and nutrients quite so effectively.

When is the best time to mow?

Obviously, grass needs to be mowed more frequently in the warmer season.  However, you need to consider the type of grass you have and the severity of your climate.  Mow when the grass is dry – this will ensure that the blades cut as neatly as possible and the wheels of the mower don’t dig into the soil.

In very hot weather, grass may tend to go yellow and lose it’s ‘spring’ – i.e. your footsteps are easily visible on the lawn where you have walked.  This doesn’t necessarily mean that the lawn is dying, but rather that it is conserving energy.  Mowing in these conditions is not recommended, as it will put too much stress on the grass.

Should I use a catcher?

While a catcher on your mower makes for a perfectly neat, clean and tidy lawn, it also removes a lot of nutrient and goodness from your lawn.  If you frequently mow with a catcher, don’t forget to replace all that nourishment by adding fertiliser.  On the other hand, if the clippings are 25mm or less in length, it’s generally quite ok to leave them on the lawn, where they will break down and return nitrogen to the soil.

Any time spent caring for your lawn is worthwhile – after all, the results will be yours to enjoy!  The team at Greener Lawn have years of experience and are more than willing to help you achieve that perfect grass you have always wanted.  Call us today on 1800 473 363